Hiring Options and Outcomes:
The Impact of High Performance Team Members
Recruiting performance is typically evaluated on the wrong metrics.
Improving “speed to hire” and reducing “vacancy rate” are not necessarily correlated to significant business impact. Yes, they impact short-term operational costs and more significantly in some environments, total availability of billable hours; however, real “talent acquisition” – internal or third party – is better measured using qualitative metrics; because, they have much more significant long-term impact on the business.

Minimally qualified
Prior role experience
Prior industry experience
Good technical skills
Good soft skills
Looks good on paper
Interviews well
Rated 7 or 8 out of 10
Can do the job
Voice of the Business
“How soon can they start?”
Voice of the Recruiter
“I think we found someone!”
Voice of the Candidate
“Hire me!”
Impact on the Business
Status quo
Operational continuity
Normal future turnover
Acceptable recruiting metrics
No significant contributions
No measurable improvement
Leadership Impact
Qualified Leaders hire qualified managers and supervisors who hire qualified production team members which creates stability, also known as mediocrity.

Highly qualified
Great prior experience
Prior industry experience
Excellent technical skills
Excellent soft skills
Looks great on paper
Interviews very well
Rated 8 or 9 out of 10
Has done the job!
Voice of the Business
“How can we get them?”
Voice of the Recruiter
“I found the perfect person!”
Voice of the Candidate
“I can do this!”
Impact on the Business
Multiple positive impacts
Operational improvement
Below average role turnover
Average recruiting metrics
Measurable contributions
Some impact on cost, quality
Leadership Impact
Highly Qualified Leaders hire highly qualified managers and supervisors who hire highly qualified production team members which drive measurable operational improvements to cost, quality, speed and compliance metrics – which should mean an annual performance rating of “Meets Expectations” – because after all, that is their job.

“Over qualified”
Broad prior experience
Varied prior experience
Technical mastery
Demonstrated soft skills
Great prior work product
Communicator / Influencer
Rated 10+ out of 10
Voice of the Business
“How do we help them?”
Voice of the Recruiter
“The candidate has ideas!”
Voice of the Candidate
“This is what I want to do!”
Impact on the Business
Broad enterprise impact
Operational improvement
Strong candidate longevity
Slow, purposeful recruiting
Significant contributions
Strong competitive impact
Leadership Impact
High Performers are innovators, influencers, game changers, intrepreneurial and act like owners. They surround themselves with high performing managers and supervisors who have high expectations of production team members.
The impact creates disruption, new products, new revenue centers, improved client satisfaction, a culture of innovation, a great place to work and the list goes on.
Their contributions to the business are orders of magnitude greater than the cost to acquire and retain them.
The Weakest Link Determines the Strength of Any Talent Acquisition Supply Chain
It is no longer good enough to just locate talent.
Businesses need to be attractive to the right talent in order to,
☐ ENGAGE the best candidates
☐ ATTRACT the best new team members
☐ RETAIN the best performers
A Totally Unique Recruiting Solution for a Competitive Edge
P4S Consulting uses a proprietary approach to identify the characteristics and capabilities of a high performer before any sourcing is initiated. Our approach is a synthesis of Recruiting, Organizational Design, Marketing and Business Development best practices which when integrated, creates and delivers a totally unique approach to talent identification. Our solution solves for the key failure modes critical to each step of the talent supply chain.
We intentionally engineered a unique methodology significantly differentiate ourselves from the typical staffing agency, but more importantly, to deliver more significant and strategic value to our clients – to deliver HIGH PERFORMING LEADERS AND TEAM MEMBERS.
We accelerate our clients’ success as a business partner – not a vendor – and we’re good at it.
Dallas – Ft. Worth – Frisco | Washington, D.C. | principles4success.com